Categories: Firearms / Marksmanship / British Military / Research
Research Projects
Hex Bore – The Whitworth Research Project
- Guns and Steel, 1873
- Hex Bore – The Whitworth Research Project
- Interment of Sir Joseph Whitworth, Bart.
- Loading & Cleaning The Whitworth Patent Military Rifle
- Monument To Sir Joseph Whitworth
- Rifled Small Arms
- Sir Joseph Whitworth, Bart.
- The Grave of Sir Joseph Whitworth
- The Mechanical Genius and Works of the late Sir Joseph Whitworth
- The Whitworth Rifle
- The Whitworth Rifle: A Brief Introduction
- Whitworth Bullets
- Whitworth Hexagonal Bullet Mould
- Whitworth Patent Cartridge
- Whitworth Rifle Warnings
- Whitworth: Rifle No. 449
- Whitworth: Rifle No. B143
- Whitworth: Rifle No. C529
Hex Bore blog
- ‘Report on European Ordnance and Manufactures’ (1882)
- A Semi-military Whitworth Rifle (C778)
- A Whitworth Prize Rifle of 1860
- Archival Research
- Army (Whitworth Guns)
- Birth of a Big Gun (1908)
- Cased Whitworth Rifle (B101)
- Curtis’s & Harvey No. 6
- Hex Bore blog
- Joseph Whitworth
- Miscellaneous Papers (1858)
- Miscellaneous Papers, 1870
- Original Whitworth Cannon at Grayling, 2017
- Pattern 1863 Enfield-Whitworth Short Rifle
- Replacing Whitworth Barrels in the 19thC
- Sir Joseph Whitworth & Company, 1888
- The Guns of the Ironclad “Riachuelo”
- The Whitworth Guns: British Artillery at Gettysburg
- The Whitworth is not a ‘Minute of Angle’ Rifle
- To Working Gunmakers, 1860
- Whitworth 2 cwt Deck Gun
- Whitworth Database Updates – 2022
- Whitworth Database Updates – 2024
- Whitworth Database Updates – 2021
- Whitworth Database Updates – 2023
- Whitworth Rack and Pinion Rearsight
- Whitworth Rearsights
- Whitworth rifle of 1858
- Whitworth Sporting Rifle with back action lock
A.W.F. Taylerson papers
- A.W.F. Taylerson papers
- Historical Time Line – 1637-1799
- Historical Time Line – 1800-1819
- Historical Time Line – 1820-1829
- Historical Time Line – 1830-1839
- Historical Time Line – 1840-1844
- Historical Time Line – 1845-1849
- Historical Time Line – 1850-1854
- Historical Time Line – Bibliography