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Historical Time Line – This is a transcription of about 240 5”x3” Index Cards compiled by the late A. W. F. Taylerson M.A., F Inst. D. It as a Chronological Reference System, assembled from many sources over the years. As a data source it lists events affecting the English, US and European Arms Trade from circa 1760 to late 1871. This is the first time that his detailed scholarly accessory has seen the light of day, and as such will, it is hoped, prove useful to students of the genre everywhere.

Long Range Rifle Fire – A collection of articles on historical topics providing hitherto difficult to find contemporary texts and newly written pieces for the student of long range shooting.

Long Range Target Rifles – Long range target rifles are scarce and highly prized collectors items today. While some saw limited use as sharpshooters arms (notably in the American Civil War) the rifles featured here in these general discussions were more often encountered on the rifle range.

British Military Longarms – Muskets, Rifles and Carbines. Small Arms Trials.

Gunmakers – Historical information on gunmakers; primarily those associated with long range target rifles.

Ammunition – Gunpowder, projectiles, history of the cartridge from paper tube to solid-drawn case. Contemporary information on loading.

Accessories – Accessories associated with rifles and rifle shooting. Military, sporting and target rifles.