The Black Powder Target Rifle Federation

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Written by: Kenny Wasserburger

With the demise of the BPTRA last December, a pair of intrepid souls decided to try and save not only the match at Byers Colorado Rifle Club range (arguably the finest 1000 yard facility in the Rocky Mountain West), but also form a loosely organized Federation to promote BPTR shooting matches. Key word Federation, more of that in a moment.

This duo, after some wool gathering enlisted a 3rd member who happens to be our friend and a member of the CRC to be our match Director. He gladly took on this role and met with the CRC board. A plan was formulated and we secured a set of dates to hold a match. On the weekend of April 13-14 this group met at the range. With materials provided by the club and many tools we brought we demoed 8 of the most damaged frames and constructed new ones. Our gesture of sincerity and good will was recognized by the CRC administration and we given the opportunity to secure our original dates in September. That group of individuals included Michael Jackson match Director, Jimbo Terry, Rick Rutter, his friend Randy, and myself Kenny Wasserburger. The drive alone from Gillette Wyoming is just over 400 miles one way.

The birth of the BPTRF: The Black Powder Target Rifle Federation.

Federation: An organization or group within which smaller divisions have some degree of internal autonomy.

The proposed federation would encompass all types of Black Powder matches including, but not limited to Creedmoor, Midrange, the many gong matches held and 22bpcr matches even Bpcr Silhouette. All of the different disciplines would have their own set of rules and requirements. None of which would change, all of these disciplines would simply show support and solidarity with each other. Unlike the NRA or the BPTRA, you run your events as you see fit, there is no governing body no rigid rules to follow. No one is going to tell you how to run your event or match. All like minded individuals and clubs are asked for their support. We are all working together to promote all of the BP shooting disciplines.

However we would like to have various individuals to be Directors, people to offer advice and experiences, to help promote the Sport of black powder target rifle shooting and competition. Coming from the gong and Paper and BPCR Silhouette match directors also. If we all work together for the common good of BPTR shooting we can accomplish much. There will be no president just a group of directors no one has more say than another.

This year marks the 150th anniversary of the matches fired at Creedmoor in 1874. To celebrate this historic event for BPTR shooting of both long range muzzleloader and breech loader rifles. A match is being held Labor Day weekend at the Wasserburger Ranch north of Lusk Wyoming 5 miles off US 85. The match is welcome to all shooters that wish to experience the shooting on an original size 1874 Creedmoor steel target, one shot at a time as was done in 1874. Any safe position is allowed along with traditional cross sticks, or off bench cross sticks, the only caveat is that the rifle must be shot off the shoulder, no rear bag. We are trying to be more inclusive than other matches with our event. Long range muzzle loader rifles are also welcome. The match is capped at 40 shooters and we have 16 paid entries as of 4/19/24. We also have two LR muzzle loading rifles entered already. This will be the premiere BPTR event in the western USA for 2024.

For further information contact me at The match is an invitational event. You must contact me to receive a entry form.

Thank you for your consideration. And your support.

P.S Updated information can be found on our BP cartridge rifle match dates and information page on Facebook.

Kenny Wasserburger