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Reports on individual arms and wider trials of British military small arms.
- Measuring Precision – The system used to define the precision of rifled arms during Victorian times was the “Figure of Merit”.
- Measuring Velocity – The ballistic pendulum invented by Benjamin Robins (1707 – 1751), was first used in 1740, with the object of measuring the velocity of projectiles and the resistance of the air. Electro-ballistic apparatus was seeing use by the mid-19th Century. Oen such device was Navez Apparatus, which saw use in Great Britain with both small arms and artillery.
- Lancaster Oval Bore – The “Army (Rifles)” report of 1863 commented favourably on the large bore Lancaster.
- The Soper Rifle – Sent for trial at Woolwich, the rifle and was rejected on the ground of “complication of breech arrangement.” [1867].
- Thomas Wilson his Patents, Arms and Ammunition – Researching the little known Victorian Engineer, Thomas Wilson and his rifle systems work conducted during the 1860’s and later.