A.W.F. Taylerson papers

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Historical Time Line

Based on the Index Record Cards of
the late A.W.F. Taylerson M.A., F Inst. D

Edited and Augmented by Philip H A Boulton with
the kind permission of Mrs Taylerson, courtesy of Jim Hallam

This is a transcription of about 240 5”x3” Index Cards compiled by the late Tony Taylerson as a Chronological Reference System, assembled from many sources over the years. As a data source it lists events affecting the English, US and European Arms Trade from circa 1760 to late 1871. There is a wealth of detail that was used to produce the famous ‘Revolver’ trilogy (see Bibliography) which could not be included in the books, for example, the genealogical and census data of the early Birmingham gun makers. This is the first time that his detailed scholarly accessory has seen the light of day, and as such will, it is hoped, prove useful to students of the genre everywhere.  


1637-1799 > 1800-1819 > 1820-1829 > 1830-1839 >
1840-1844 > 1845-1849 > 1850-1854 > 1855-1859 >
1860-1864 > 1865-1869 > 1870-1871

Entries augmented by the editor are shown in italic and initialled PHAB. These entries are to indicate such relevant extra dates and data that was felt may help fill in some of the gaps. Entries in bold are to emphasis events of interest, battles, key patents etc. 

Listed are all Tony’s cryptic sources. They are elaborated upon in the Bibliography, however not all sources are known to the editor. Entries from books are indicated by giving in brackets the author’s name and book page number. Contributions from letters received from correspondents, fellow researchers etc. are indicated by the source and date of letter, in brackets.

Philip Boulton

Research Press is honoured to be given access to these papers and permission to make them available for study. There is much to add at this stage, so check back regularly to review updates. Two UK national associations whose interests cover the period addressed by this time line are the Muzzle Loaders Association of Great Britain, and the Historical Breechloading Smallarms Association.

David Minshall


B.O. – Board of Ordnance
PRO – Public Records Office, Kew
RSAF – Royal Small Arms Factory, Enfield Lock
SUPP – Ministry of Supply
US – United States of America
W.D. – War Department
W.O. – War Office

Copyright: Philip H A Boulton 2012