Historical Time Line – 1830-1839

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  • 2/8/1830, Samuel COLT sails to England by way of India on ‘Corvo’. Inspired by capstan ratchet operation for rotation and locking of pistol cylinder. (Armsmear, p300). (PHAB)
  • Suggested as the year in which Robert ADAMS began trading alone (until 1845 q.v.) and is alleged as a recognized maker of air canes ‘like many other of his family’. (Airgun Scene, John Walter, Guns Review p760 9/1982)
  • William and J Kavanagh at 12 Dane Street, Dublin till 1862. (PHAB)


  • Springfield Canal Co. takes over part of the assets of the Chicopee Mf. Co. (Chamberlain 10/1971)
  • End of First Ashanti War. (PHAB, Wikipedia)


  • Expiry of E H COLLIER’s English Patent #4315/1818.
  • 30/3/1832, Samuel COLT leaves home on his fund raising exploits as Dr COULT with Nitrous Oxide shows until about February of 1835. (Armsmear, pp301-2). (PHAB)


  • T W CARTER became Agent of Chicopee Mfg. Co. 12 1834. (Chamberlain 10/1971)
  • Ames Mfg. Co incorporated and begins operations in Cabotsville Mill (same source) (see also Carey, p3)


  • J W ROOTH born. (Lincoln’s Inn letter 18/6/1971)
  • Samuel COLT’s sails to England to secure his English Patent #6909 of 22/10/1835 resident at Ludgate Hill.
  • Year of claimed invention (by Henry JONES) of the ‘self-acting revolving pistol, in Birmingham’. (The Ironmonger, 24/12/1910, p566)
  • Joseph BENTLEY, last listed at 2, Sand Street, Birmingham in this year. (Gammell 19/5/1989)
  • James and Philip WEBLEY listed as ‘Percussion Cap Makers’ in 1835. (Gammell 19/5/89) See also 1839 card
  • James BEATTIE opened at 205, Regent Street, London. (PHAB)


  • 7/1/1836, Samuel COLT returns to US and secures U S Patent #9430X / 25/2/1836 – (#138)
  • Irish Constabulary formed in 1836
  • Joseph BENTLEY, listed at 14, St. Mary’s Row, Birmingham. 1836 – 1863. (Gammell 19/5/1989)
  • Samuel COLT started production at Paterson New Jersey, as the ‘Patent Arms Manufacturing Company’ with capitol of $300,000. (Armsmear, p303). (PHAB)


  • Chicopee Falls Works built. (The Gun Collector, #41, p709)
  • D LEAVITT’s U S Patent #182/ 29/4/1837. (Sellers & Smith, p83) Revolver made by E WESSON?
  • E ALLEN’s U S Patent 11/11/1837 for a self cocking lock mechanism
  • Eley Bros. Added percussion caps (tin foil waterproofed) to their business. (Eley Brothers, 1828-1928. J Pople-Crump. Guns Review, 3/1982)
  • Winter 1837-38 Samuel COLT went to Florida during the Indian War, with his arms. Impresses General JESSUP and Major HARNEY with them. (Armsmear, p313). (PHAB)


  • James Tyler AMES married Ellen HUSE. (Chamberlain 8/1/1972)
  • View of 391, Strand in Tallis’s ‘London Street Views’, 1838. (File Note 24/7/72)
  • Carey (p 3) alleges Ames Mfg. Co. received a U S contract for the Jenks long arms of this year.
  • William JENKS secured U S Patent #747 25/5/1838, for a breech loading firearms. (Winant, p97)
  • List of London military trade gun makers. (Blackmore, p188)
  • Robbins & Lawrence plant started at Windsor, Vt, by Richard S LAWRENCE, Frederick F HOWE and Henry D STONE. (Rolt, p146)
  • William Lauriston Mackelean YOUNG, R.A. became Conductor of Stores – 8/1838. See 1854 also.
  • Thomas Kinslake BAKER, 1 Stonecutter Street, London. (PHAB)


  • Chicopee Falls Co. makes Wm. JENKS B/L flintlock carbine for U S Navy. (Chapel, p266)
  • T W WEBLEY, born, 15/4/1839.
  • 9/4/1839, Stocker & Bentley’s English Patent #8024, demonstrating most features of the pepperbox revolver. (The Revolver 1818-1865, p49)
  • 4/7/1839 Samuel COLT meets Elisha ROOT for the first time – aquatic explosions. (Armsmear, pp 257-62) (PHAB)
  • 29/8/1839, Samuel COLT’s US Patent #1,304 for Paterson revolver, snail capper, combination loading tool, multi charger and bullet mold. (Rapley /94, pp18, 60. /06, p15)
  • Philip WEBLEY, listed as ‘Gun Lock Maker’ this year. (Gammell 19/5/1989) see 1835.
  • First Afghan War till 1842. (PHAB, Cochran p94)