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Accessories associated with rifles and rifle shooting. Military, sporting and target rifles.
Range cases
- 19thC Muzzle Loader Range Box – Match rifle box to hold ammunition, glass tubes for weighed powder charges.
- Wimbledon Shooting Case – J. Vale-Lane’s ‘Wimbledon Range Case’ was made for riflemen in the late 19th century.
Sights and associated accessories
- Dr. Goodwin’s Orthoptic Screen Sight – ‘Dr. Goodwin’s Orthoptic Screen Sight’ enjoyed some success for a limited period in the early 1860’s. This article plots the introduction and history of this short lived and innovative rifle sight.
- Parker-Hale ‘Goodwin’ Rifle Sights – Dr Goodwin Orthoptic Sight sold with/for Parker-Hale muzzle loading Volunteer rifle.
- Wilson and Steward’s Sight Elevator – A gauge bearing the mark “Wilson and Steward’s” and a London address for J.H. Steward.
- Shooting with Spectacles – In the 19th century shooting glasses were used and were accepted by the ruling authorities in not only the Volunteer Movement but elsewhere such as the authorities at Hythe.
- Silver’s Anti-Recoil Heel-Plate – In 1874 H.A. Silver was granted a firearms related patent for an India-rubber cushion applied to the butt end of a stock.