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C. E. OVERBAUGH & Co. Manufacturers and Dealers in Guns, Rifles, and Sporting Goods, Nos 265 and 267 Broadway. – A reliable and successful house engaged in the manufacture and sale of guns and sporting goods in the metropolis is that of Messrs. C. E. Overbaugh & Co., whose shop and salesroom are situated at Nos. 265 and 267 Broadway. This business was established in 1878 by Mr. C. E. Overbaugh who is sole proprietor. Since July, 1880, Mr. Overbaugh has added first-class gun and rifle work to his business. The premises occupied are commodious and are fully stocked with a superior assortment of guns and rifles of the latest and most improved patterns, ammunition of all descriptions, and first class sporting goods, which are offered to customers at exceedingly moderate prices. These goods are unsurpassed for quality, reliability, workmanship, and general excellence by those of any other first-class house in the trade, and are general favorites with hunters, wherever introduced. They do not propose to do a clap-trap business, advertising goods with fancy brands and fraudulent and misleading descriptions, but to do a square business, buying their goods at the lowest rates, and giving their customers the benefit of their ability and experience. They believe that in New York there is a grand opening for a house of this kind that will supply consumers at popular prices, and they propose to fill the bill. As to their reputation for fair dealing, they refer to the Winchester Repeating Arms Co., New Haven and New York; Colt’s Fire Arms Co., Hartford; Parker Bros., Meriden and New York, manufacturers; and Schoverling, Daly & Gales, Hartley & Graham, John P. Moore’s Sons, and H. Boker & Co , the leading wholesale houses in New York; also, the Merchants’ Exchange National Bank. They guarantee every article as rerepresented, and money will be refunded if satisfaction is not given on any of the goods named in this catalogue. All orders will have especial prompt attention. New York is the only market where a full line of fire-arms and equipments are kept in stock, and their facilities enable them to fill all orders with the promptest dispatch. Mr. Overbaugh makes a specialty of manufacturing fine shot guns and rifles, and numbers among his customers many of the best shots in the United States. He was born in Catskill, N. Y., and came to the metropolis in 1850, where he is highly esteemed by the community for his mechanical skill, and the success achieved by him is as substantial as it is well merited. Mr. Overbaugh’s family is one of the oldest in the East, Overbaugh, a town in the State of New York, being named after one of his ancestors, who came to this country in 1728.
Illustrated New York – The Metropolis of To-Day 1888
Published by International Publishing Co., New York