The Rigby Rifle, 1869

This short description text is extracted from “Handbook of Rifle Shooting” by Alex Lord Russell (1869, Toronto). It provides contemporary description of the late form of Rigby muzzle loading match rifle.

The Rigby Rifle, 1864

Mr. Rigby has kindly furnished the following description of his rifle, which made such a favourable impression on the minds of all riflemen, by its extraordinary performances at the late Small-bore trials at Woolwich.

Rigby: A Brief Introduction

The early Rigby rifles competed in some of the trials of small-bore rifles held by the National Rifle Association for the rifles to be used in the finals of the Queen’s Prize at Wimbledon. In 1865 the Rigby was selected for use; this was the only year 1860-1870 that a rifle other than a Whitworth was selected. In direct response to the success of the Gibbs-Metford rifle with its shallow groove rifling and hardened bullet, Rigby began a program of rebarreling in 1866 and 1867.